Kaunase Žalgirise keskmängija otsustas karjääri lõpetada

Postimees Sport
Antanas Kavaliauskas.
Antanas Kavaliauskas. Foto: Jorge Sanz / ZUMAPRESS.com

Kaunase Žalgirise ja Leedu korvpallikoondise keskmängija Antanas Kavaliauskas andis sotsiaalmeedias teada, et lõpetab 34-aastaselt karjääri.

Kuigi juuni alguses oli sportlane avaldanud lootust, et saab karjääri jätkata, siis pärast paari puhkusenädalat otsustas ta siiski saapad varna riputada.

«Minu jaoks on tulnud aeg avada uus peatükk enda elus,» kirjutas 208 sentimeetri pikkune tsenter instagrami postituses.

«See ei olnud kiire otsus. Ma tegin selle otsuse rahuliku südame ning naerul suuga. See on midagi, millest ma olen juba tükk aega mõelnud, eriti eelmise hooaja vigastuste tõttu,» sõnas leedukas.

«Ma teadsin, et see juhtub lähiajal ning praegu tundub selleks õige hetk. Jätkata mängimist nii, et ma ei saa anda 100%, söön valuvaigisteid nagu Skittleseid ja olen õnnetu enda esituste üle ei ole õige,» möönis korvpallur.


June 1st 2019 was my last game professionally. It was a championship game, the last game of the season and at that time I was not sure that it was my last game as a professional basketball player. The time has come for me to open a new chapter in my life, and for those who know me well know that I would have liked to slip away unnoticed, just move on and not say anything, but the right thing to do is say thank you to all the people that were involved in my basketball life. It was not an overnight decision. I made this decision with a calmness in my heart and a smile on my face Something I have been contemplating for some time now, especially with my injuries this season. Thank you everyone who I had a chance to play with and play against. Thank you to my family for being there every single day. Thank you to all the coaches that I had the opportunity to learn from and work with. Finally a big thank you to BC Zalgiris for welcoming me and giving me the opportunity to play for such an incredible organization. I could not be prouder to have worn the green and white and time I spent in Kaunas and all that we accomplished together will never be forgotten (always in my heart). I knew this change was inevitable, and at this time it feels right to make this change now. To continue play not at my 100%, take pain pills like skittles every day and not be happy with my own performance is not the way to do it ,quitting while you are ahead is not the same thing as quitting. Antanas Kavaliauskas #theend #greatcareer #nomorepainpills #newpage #zaliabalta #visikaunozalgiriofanai #bczalgiris

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