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Maicel Uibo kihlatu selgitas kuulsat viskumist: ma ei teinud seda meelega

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Postimees Sport
Shaunae Milleri võiduviskumine.
Shaunae Milleri võiduviskumine. Foto: FABRIZIO BENSCH/REUTERS

Naiste 400 meetri jooksus tänu viskumisele finišijoonel kulla võitnud Bahama jooksja Shaunae Miller kirjutas sotsiaalmeediakanalis Instagram mälestusväärse episoodi uuesti lahti.

Eesti kümnevõistleja Maicel Uibo kihlatu kinnitas, et tegu polnud ebasportliku tegevusega. «Olen internetis tehtud piltide peale kõvasti naerda saanud, aga ausalt, see viskumine polnud meelega tehtud. Pingutasin algusest peale nii kõvasti, kui saan, läksin ette ja lõpus oli mul juba raske. Ohverdasin väsimise ja viskumisega aja alla 49 sekundi, aga see tõi mulle kulla ja valu läks asja ette,» kirjutas 22-aastane Miller.

«Tänan veelkord jumalat. Kui jumal on sulle midagi andnud, siis ei saa seda keegi ära võtta! Olümpiamängud on minu jaoks olnud suurepärane elamus ja tänan kõiki toetuse eest,» lisas ta.

LIVING THE DREAM. God has just been so amazing to me in my track career thus far. This entire season has been a big blessing to me. From getting three personal records in the 100, 200, and 400, to getting a national record, to becoming an Olympic Champion. GOD IS SO AMAZING. He has tested my faith for years and not once did I ever question him or give up hope in him. God's timing is ALWAYS the best timing. You just have to trust and believe his plan. Special s/o to my parents for all the love and support they've given me throughout the years, my coaches Gary Evans and Lance Brauman for all the hard work and preparation they put in for me to achieve this, The Bahamas for all the support I love you guys so much, and last but not least all my fans who have supported me throughout the years. You guys are the reason I enjoy what I do. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Finally everyone is talking about the fall lol I've gotten so many good laughs from the memes I've been seeing but truly and honestly it wasn't intentional. I ran my heart out from the very beginning to the very end playing the game of catch me if you can. It sacrificed dipping below 49 seconds but it got me the gold and the pain was worth the price. But in it all I was victorious and I give God all the thanks and praise for it. I always tell myself "If God doesn't have something for you, you're not getting it. But when God has something for you, no man can take it away. Thank you all for the support! What an amazing Olympic experience this has been for me. I'm an Olympic Champion!!!!!!

A photo posted by Shaunae Miller (@hey_itsshaunae) on

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