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Video ja fotod: vaata, kes võimutsesid Egle Eller-Nabi ees bikiiniolümpial

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Madis Kalvet
Bikiinifitnessi olümpial tippkonkurentsi jõudnud naised.
Bikiinifitnessi olümpial tippkonkurentsi jõudnud naised. Foto: Youtube

Eelmisel nädalal sai Egle Eller-Nabist esimene eestlane, kes osalenud mainekal Mr. Olympia jõuproovil. Bikiinifitnessis võistlev Eller-Nabi osales seal Bikini Olympia kategoorias, kus talle läks protokolli kirja 16. koht. Las Vegases toimunud võistlusel võimutsesid kodupubliku ees võistlenud ameeriklannad, kellele läks kaheksa paremat kohta. Võidu võttis Courtney King. Teiseks tuli Angelica Teixeira ja kolmandaks India Paulino.

They say a picture is with a thousand words... As cliché as that sounds I love this photo because it captures the true raw emotions of how I was feeling at this exact moment! I want to keep this post straight forward and to the point and give an ultimate thank you to the people I wouldn't haven't been able to accomplish this without! @jmmanion @d_amelio_manion @mrolympiallc @debii_king @bpi_sports @celestialbodiez @celestebonin @pjbraunfitness @tmariesuits @all_that_glitters_gems @anettedelarosa @ashleynevel @amazon - THANK YOU again to God, my family, sponsors, friends, supporters and so many more who have congratulated me! I love you all, and I am so happy to represent this sport in the most professional way possible as your new Ms. Bikini Olympia Champion! MUCH LOVE!!!

A photo posted by Courtney King (@courtneykiing) on

Up on some rocks & such. Haha shooting today with @jmmanion in VEGAS!

A photo posted by Courtney King (@courtneykiing) on

Mr Olympia finals and Victory Gala ✨ @mrolympiallc #Olympia2016 #MrO2016

A photo posted by Angelica Teixeira (@angelicaht) on

Although GOLD was what I was shooting for I have no control in the outcome of a competition. I trained my ass off mentally, spiritually and physically, I have been for the past 6 years. I feel and see my growth and it brings such a smile to my face because it has been one hell of a road and I have always come out on top. A trophy doesn't define me or the work I've done or what I am deserving of. NOPE ☺️ I am so proud of myself (something I never felt okay saying in the past) I am proud because no matter what has happened in this journey I continued to move forward. The strength I hold within me hasn't changed, I am better at using it now. I prepped all by my damn self!! I placed 3rd in the world out of 42 girls and I am confident that I could've easily taken the very top spot. God, however had a different plan for me so it's okay. :) I win everyday in many different ways and I will continue to win for me! I hope this shows YOU that you can do anything you put your mind to especially if you have someone who is willing to guide you. Excited for the launch of my new bikini team #TeamStorm and to help YOU achieve all of those dreams you have but have not been acting on due to fear or some B.S that you have been telling yourself!! I love connecting with all of you and thank you a million times for all of your beautiful support!! #olympia2016 #olympia #indiapaulino #Bloomthroughcoaching @bloomthroughcoaching

A photo posted by India Paulino (@indiapaulino) on

Last night at the @mrolympiallc athlete gala. #olympia2016 #indiapaulino #loveindiapaulino #bloomthroughcoaching

A photo posted by India Paulino (@indiapaulino) on


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