Piltuudis: bikiinifitnessi superstaar Egle Eller-Nabi naaseb professionaalina võistlustulle

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Egle Eller-Nabi.
Egle Eller-Nabi. Foto: Instagram / eglenabi_bikinipro

Eelmise aasta suvel perre teise lapse sünnitanud Eesti bikiinifitnessi superstaar Egle Eller-Nabi naaseb võistluspausilt juba eeloleval nädalavahetusel, kui osaleb Tšehhis Prahas ühel Euroopa suurimal fitnessiüritusel.

Ta kirjutas oma Instagrami-kontol: «Olen siin olnud amatöörina, nüüd olen õnnelik, et saan osaleda professionaalide seas. Kuidas ma ennast tunnen? Põnevil, närvis, õnnelik, tänulik – need on ilmselt kirjeldavad mu praeguseid emotsioone.»


2016 @mrolympiallc was my last show 2 years ago!! This weekend I am going to step on stage 1st time after my second childs birth. I chose my show to be @evls_prague_showdown_official .Been here years ago as amateur, now happy to take a lineup with pro athletes. How I am feeling right now? Excited, nervous, happy, thankful would probably describe the best my emotions right now.?? I am most thankful for my family support, specially my mother in law who have helped me with everything.?? My journey has been “interesting “ lets say in many ways. Its challenging with children, but I am so proud of myself that I took that goal and worked my way again on to highest level @ifbb_pro_league stage. Today I feel like I used to in University before exams-“If I had another week- Oh, how I could do so much better!” Already thinking what I need to improve for next season. ?Though looking at my progress the whole year, I know I gave my best. It’s a journey after all. I am so thankful for my supporters and collaborators. Thank you for having faith in me. Every single cooperation is super valuable to me? I thank every single one of you who have followed me and keep your fingers crossed for me. I send you lot of love and gonna enjoy that stage fully. I feel I need a day in glitter bikinis and high heels? #bodybyo @bodybyo @strengthsensei1 #mymentor @sportlandeesti #underarmour @victorybikini @noccoeesti @barebells.est @farmipiim @leibur @lorealmakeup #treuematch @hersajakiri @arigatotallinn @newton.ee @roll_studio @euronicseesti @christinas_clinic @kaisapoom @enetomingas @lafamigliacouture #bestmotherinlaw

A post shared by Egle Eller-Nabi (@eglenabi_bikinipro) on

Kevadel andis Eller-Nabi sotsiaalmeedia vahendusel teada, et kavatseb sügisel osaleda bikiinifitnessi profiliigas. «Vastus küsimusele, mida minult on palju küsitud: jah ma hakkan võistlema,» kirjutas ta. «Hakkan võistlema IFBB profiliigas. Tegu on ametliku profiliigaga.»

Professionaalide seas on Eller-Nabi võistelnud ka varem. 2016. aastal sai temast esimene eestlanna, kes osalenud kulturismi- ja fitnessivõistlusel Mr. Olympia.

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