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18-aastane noormees tegi rattaga maakerale tiiru peale (1)

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Postimees Sport
B'yauling Toni.
B'yauling Toni. Foto: Facebook

Kanada noormees B’yauling Toni on teadaolevalt noorim inimene, kes suutnud rattaga ümber maailma sõita. Toni alustas teekonda 17-aastasena kuus päeva pärast gümnaasiumi lõpetamist, vahendab

Vapper mees külastas 16 riiki ja läbis seitsme kuu jooksul 31 000 kilomeetrit. Teisipäeval jõudis Toni kodulinna Saskatooni, kus teda oli tervitama tulnud grupp rattureid, kes viimase pingutuse temaga kaasa tegid. «Mind üllatas pidev vaimne kurnatus,» lausus Toni. «Pika perioodi vältel mu keha taastus, kuid vaimne väsimus kippus kuhjuma. Mõnikord kannatasin nii palju, et küsisin endalt, miks võtsin sellise pingutuse ette. Samas ei mõelnud ma kordagi loobumisest.»

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This is reality for our @byaulingtoni!! Instead of school like most 17 year olds, he decided to circumnavigate the globe, on his bike! AND THE BEST PART He has also been doing this to raise money for the Outdoor School Program here in Saskatoon!! Head to the link in our bio to help support Saskatoon youth! • “Outdoor School is a program that gives kids an opportunity to adventure across Saskatchewan and learn in an engaging hands-on environment. Students take trips canoeing, camping, backpacking, skiing, cycling, climbing and more, as well as cover the formal education curriculums of geography, earth and environmental sciences, and English. I was fortunate enough to be in the Outdoor School Program in 2016 and it was a life-changing experience. The skills I learned and my heightened love for the outdoors is part of the reason I am here today attempting to bike around the world. I learned more about myself and the world around me in that semester than I ever have in any institutional education. As the semester progressed I was also blown away as I watched my classmates grow by leaps and bounds. The passion for learning Outdoor School sparked in students left me questioning our formal education system. I believe that this program should be available for anybody, and the Outdoor School Alumni Asociation works to make this possible by helping to cover tuition and supply gear to students in need. I personally was helped by this association. When I entered Outdoor School my family was suffering financial duress. Thankfully because of the Alumni Association I was still able to attend. Donations will help to give more kids the opportunity to be part of the Outdoor School program.” - B’yauling Toni • #bigheart #biggoals #giver #helpingkids #kind #soul #ridebikes #playoutside #learn #outdooreducation #worldrecord #bike #planetearth

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