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Liis Kullerkann

Liis Kullerkann.
Liis Kullerkann. Foto: liiskul/Instagram

Eesti naiste võrkpallikoondise üks liidreid Liis Kullerkann veedab karantiiniaega Prantsusmaal. Õnneks on tal seal üsna korralikud treeningtingimused, mistõttu pole ka kiiret Eestisse. Temporündaja jagab põnevaid harjutusi ka sotsiaalmeedias.


My goal this week was to work on a challenge from @pbratuhhina which was doing an ab exercise in headstand. Now, I really wanted to do it, but I had never actually fully learned the headstand. So, I thought to myself that that's probably where I should start and GO SLOW because "I'd never be able to get it immediately", right? (at least that's what I told myself). --- So, I had practiced a few days already and saw pretty good improvements and actually felt pretty good about it UNTIL yesterday when @kadikullo just decided to do it out of the blue and succeeded (come on, I can't be worse than my sister! ?). I started thinking and realized that maybe I had approched it all wrong. I mean, obviously I needed to learn the headstand basics first but had I not seen my sister do it, I would have probably gone for at least another week trying to get my headstand more stable and only then started to slowly practice moving my legs. So today, I just approached it with a different mindset and... see how it went in the video! --- #youronlylimitisYOU #mindset #bettereveryday #headstand #upsidedown #quarantine #challenge

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