Jalgpallilegendi Pele pärandi võttis tabavalt kokku praeguse ajastu üks säravamaid tegijaid Erling Haaland.
Jalgpallilegendi Pele pärandi võttis tabavalt kokku praeguse ajastu üks säravamaid tegijaid Erling Haaland.
«Kõik, mida näed mängijat tegemas, tegi Pele esimesena. Puhka rahus,» säutsus 22-aastane norralane Twitteris.
Everything you see any player doing, Pelé did it first. RIP ⚽️🤴🏿 pic.twitter.com/SeW0z1hQTm
— Erling Haaland (@ErlingHaaland) December 29, 2022
See on hea näide Brasiilia legendi olulisusest vutimaailmas. Pele lõpetas mängijakarjääri 1977. aastal, Manchester Citys leiba teeniv Haaland sündis alles 23 aastat hiljem. Sellele vaatamata oskab ta hinnata läbi aegade üht paremat mängijat.
Pelele avaldavad sotsiaalmeedias austust väga paljud inimesed erinevadelt aladelt.
A Sporting Legend.
— Usain St. Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) December 29, 2022
Rest in Peace King Pele 🕊️ pic.twitter.com/AmehPBOR30
Pelé was one of the greatest to ever play the beautiful game. And as one of the most recognizable athletes in the world, he understood the power of sports to bring people together. Our thoughts are with his family and everyone who loved and admired him. pic.twitter.com/urGRDePaPv
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 29, 2022
For a sport that brings the world together like no other, Pelé’s rise from humble beginnings to soccer legend is a story of what is possible.
— President Biden (@POTUS) December 29, 2022
Today, Jill and I's thoughts are with his family and all those who loved him. pic.twitter.com/EkDDkqQgLo
You won’t see a single goal in this video.
— Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri) December 30, 2022
But still 135 seconds of Pelé game will tell you why he has been the greatest ever.
An absolutely incredible video.
Messi+Mbappé+Cristiano Ronaldo
Pelé pic.twitter.com/Wj5C0miys8